Tag Archives: fear

I sat in a Tree and Pondered

sat in a tree


By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.

I climbed up in a tree one day to sit and think awhile

So many thoughts passed at that time overwhelming me and I almost fell down

A voice told me to be strong and I caught hold of myself

I looked around to find said voice but it was then I realized I was all alone

I sat back upon that tree to think again and at that moment another voice I did hear

It said, “Why do you sit and think instead of pursuing the thoughts that you think”

Started but not moved I responded

“I’m afraid of what the world might think, it’s a harsh place full of let downs and negativity”

The voice responded loud and clear

“If you worry about what’s thought of you, you’re wasting your precious time, because whether or not they think or not you have to stay on your grind”

“Come down outta that tree my friend and start your life anew”

“Cause the more you sit and ponder, opportunity passes you by”

I said, “Starting today I am a man of business, a man of action, a man chasing destiny”

“Outta this tree I came today to do what’s best for me, and along the way I hope to help someone the way this voice helped me”

Off I went to do my calling

Never to sit and ponder

About life’s daily struggles


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Truth of the Matter




By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.


When I grow up I want to live without fear

Without the struggle to survive in trying times

I don’t want riches

But wealth in knowledge I do seek

Cause money runs but knowledge is power that stays

Knowledge makes money

Money doesn’t make knowledge

Fear isn’t a real emotion

It is but the absence of courage

Courage to face reality and conquer that void

The void is an expansion of thought triggered by lack of focus

Forever lost unless seized by the freethinker

The truth of the matter is we are brainwashed into a thought process

Hindered by the media and the latest trend

Take me back to the thoughts of my ancestors

Pure in thinking and free of polluted additives

Truth of the matter is I am a man seeking knowledge

So as I may educate my fellow brotha and sista

So I can pull our thoughts out of the one track we fell on

Hatred isn’t real it is but the absence of love

Love is the emotion that is hard to embrace

It loves us and nurtures

Then it rips us apart

Piece by piece till we are reborn anew

Able to love again


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This Topsy Turvy World


By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.


From the outside in

From the inside out

The world we see has gone crazy

Lost its ever loving mind

Gone are the days of prosperity

Forgotten is the struggle of our forefathers

Was it all a dream?

Is our existence morphed into this twisted reality?

We are susceptible to lies

Threatened by fear

I am enraged by all that I see

My pleas are ignored

My vision disputed

The blind eyes don’t see the tragedy unfolding

Our people turn to others and chastise their own

Dismissing where they come from

Ignorant and close minded we become

Common sense is lost to our society

Eroded by the constant saturation of stupidity

Bring me a change

Open up our minds

Unlock our hearts

We see the tragedy but fail to change our destiny

“If we don’t learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it in the future”


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Domestically Unstable

By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.


His temper rages

He is unaffected by the love show in your eyes

This hurt you’ve felt many times before

His words always spiteful, his eyes always cold

Where did your love go wrong?

That nice gentleman he use to be

His love use to sweep you off your feet

The love so passionate and true has with time turned sour

He hits you and the pain, isn’t just physical

You feel it deep in your heart

How could someone that claims to love you hit you like this?

When will it end?

You sleep with one eye open

For fear that you won’t see the light of day

Why do I stay you ask

His words brings you back

Promises of positive things and better days

It’s an offer you can’t refuse

His rage is random and uncontrollable

What did you do to deserve this?

The physical abuse is unbearable

You take it, because in your mind you have nowhere to go and no one to turn to

The mental abuse leaves you emotionally drained and cold to any regular feeling

His words cut like a knife

The things he says are beyond hurtful

In the public eye

It’s obvious the change in your heart

You attempt to hide your scars

Your friends give you knowing looks

You pretend to be happy around your family

Deep inside you know something has to be done, but your mind is a mass of confusion

You contemplate killing yourself, but what would it accomplish

Your mind turns to your family and friends

Your no longer in this world as your mind wanders

You have become accustomed to this

A slap brings you back to the reality of it all

Fight back

Get help

Get away

Before the blood flows

Before you’ve breathed your last breath

This isn’t love

This isn’t the end of the world

Feel my words

Feel real love

Feel affection






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