Tag Archives: writing

My Pen Bleeds

bleeding pen

By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.

The last breath of love dribbles from my pen

Words of emotion

Stories of trust

The life blood of civilizations history with every stroke of my pen

My pen bleeds the emotional stains that we as men have created

Each passionate stroke creates emotions buried deep inside

Emotions we never thought we’d share

Tales of despair and heartbreak

Stories of joy and happiness

Each word given a heartbeat to live within you

My pen bleeds life on this blank canvas

Given life to the dead recesses of the mind

If other pens would bleed as mine has

Diversity and understanding would trump politics and hatred

This pen bleeds togetherness

Their pen bleeds understanding

Our pen bleeds words that are read and felt

My pen bleeds me


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Revolutionary Thinking





By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.


A new day is born to the masses

Darkness becomes light shone down from most high

Fighting to survive in the earthly realm of violence and prosperity

Warriors and thinkers converge to change the times

Thought processes altered controlled by what we see and not what we feel

Standing on the mountaintop trying to touch the sky

To open up the glory revealed by what we read

The light shines upon the freedom promised by the past

The future revealed in small increments of knowledge spit out by pastors and politicians

Just enough to calm the mindset of the people who hear but not listen

Upon this land we stand Strong, Tested, and Prepared

To protect what we deem ours


The beautiful creation of the gifted

Censored by the eye in the sky

The man behind the mask

The false prophet





Common sense



Words of revolution

Words of power

Scare the fabric of old thinking

Embraced by the new generation

Together we rise

Divided we fall




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A Great Big Thank You to All


By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.


Well I guess their comes a point in time where I express my thanks to all that have visited, commented, critiqued, helped, and helped me perfect this site. 4 months is a short time, but to me a lot of things transpired within this time that help to shape the events in my writing. Everything is an inspiration if you let it be. I have found that in order to experience true beauty and life a fulfilled life you must keep an open mind and receive the gift given to you! I am extremely proud of this site, and I am happy that I finally started to take my writing serious. I’ve always knew that I had a lot to say and this website Poetic Mindstate is just the beginning.


Posted by on November 26, 2008 in Essays and Journals


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Is Lauryn Hill a Poetic Genius?

By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.


The always soulful Lauryn Noel Hill is one of the most prolific artists of our time. Always an avid writer, her soul stirring songs has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Hill has an amazing voice and the topics of her songs are the defining point of her work.


Oppression, love, passion, heartbreak, is just a few of the many emotions she touches on in her songs. She has won many awards and accolades, but these pale in comparison to how her words have changed millions of lives. Her true poetic soul invites us to feel where she is coming from and gives us advice on how to reach our divine goals.


Yes, Lauryn Hill is, in my opinion, a poetic genius. Her ability to touch millions, her passion for her work, and her continued effort to write a change in society will forever be remembered. Her poetic expressions are truly felt.


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The Craziness of Love

Talking to a friend today, made me think about certain aspects of life. While I will not throw others business out into the street, I will touch on the subject of it. We were talking about a particular incident that happened to them and it got me to thinking about that 4 letter word we call LOVE.

See love is a very complicated and intriguing subject. Love makes or breaks a lot of factors in life. Without love, hope is often lost, but with love people feel like they are on top of the world. The scary thing about love is that it can happen hen you least expect it. You can’t put a time gauge on love, but it is advised that you pick the right time to declare your love for someone.

When we were talking, they were speaking about an incident where the other person fell in love, in such a short amount of time. Also to top it off the other person showed their undying love by trying to hard to force the issue. They tried to make my friend love them the way they loved my friend.

Love happens when you least expect it and that is the best kind to have. It also helps if the other person feels the same way; you should never force such an important factor in life. Love is something that most people don’t fully understand and everyone has their opinions, but true love, in my opinion, takes time to develop and mature into something special.

Love manifest itself into so many shapes and forms, the love of a mother for her child, the love of a father, the love of a spouse, the love of a man and his dog, the love of material things, and etc. The thing we must understand about love is that no matter what kind of love it is, we must be patient with it. We’ve all heard the expressions “Good things come to those that wait”, “Patience is virtue”, and my favorite one “Anything worth having takes time and hard work to have”. The key word here is “Patience”! While we might feel like we are in love, it might be mistaken for lust or mutual attraction.

I’ll leave you with this thought, “Love is a feeling of totally bliss and happiness, and with time and patience it grows into a true blessing of beauty!”


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