Tag Archives: lust

Love is

What is love but a fantasy
A combination of lust and like
Twisting our perceptions of forever
Making us wish and pray for unattainable things
Things that make us cry and sing
Sad songs and depressing words
But we rejoice when we find that balance
Between lust and like
But falter when it doesn’t go how the storybooks claim
No more searching for what is or isn’t
I’ll just go with the flow of life
Liking and lusting on my own terms


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Fuck Love



By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.



No longer do I seek thee

Oh wretched feeling of confusion

Causing me to forget who I am for who I feel

You cut me deep, making a wound that will never heal

I just can’t be with you love

Over the years we’ve waned and waxed like moon cycles

Never quite getting to a balance

Always head over heels or nothing at all

You influenced my stupid ways

Making me look like a fool in the worst ways

But still I sought that feeling

That feeling that’s been described to me for years in many forms

But I never truly felt you

I only imagined what someone else’s love would feel like

Never having love of my own

So to you love

Fuck you

You never made me feel brand new

Only made a brand new fool

I never cried tears of joy

Only rivers of pain

My heart never healed

I stay broken hearted

You were never my best friend

Just another enemy that controlled my mind

You dashed my heart to pieces

Broken beyond repair

I no longer feel the pleasure

No longer have a need

No longer feel anything but the numbness

That comes from many sleepless nights

Thinking about one day

When I no longer have to hate to love you


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Could You use a Friend?

can u use a friend



By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.



Can I be that shoulder to lean on, when time drags you down?

Or the lender of an ear when the world doesn’t hear your plea

Could you use a friend?

A friend like me

Will you succumb to the pressures of life?

Or live it full of agonizing strife

Could you use a friend?

A friend like me

Are you tired of searching for a good man?

Only to find that you overlooked a plenty

Could you use a friend?

A friend like me

Are u struggling to find that one good lady?

Only to find you had her all along

Could you use a friend?

A friend like me

The purest light shines from within an unconfined heart

Confined hearts are nothing but lies about the love they truly feel

Could you use a friend?

A friend like me

At times I slip and make a mistake

But I am honest and my intent is never to hurt

Could you use a friend?

A friend like me

A stranger cries on the outside looking in

So let him inside to experience the love shared between all

Could you use a friend?

A friend like me


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Welcome to Love

love zone


By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.


Hello Lover,

Welcome to passion, sensuality, and affection

Make yourself comfortable in this house of pleasure

Two bodies alone in the room

Soon combine to form one

Passionate pleasure pleasurable passion

Lush lips and sweet kisses switch it up rough and raw

Sexual energy floats through the air

We inhale the fragrance

Our senses excited

We become love drunk

Sipping the champagne of passion

Inhibitions disappear and our warm, smooth skin sensitive to the lovers touch

A moment of silence as we observe each other

Your curvaceous frame

Your ample breast

Your sensually round backside

My nature rises at the sight of such beauty

Your eyes delight in the scene of my arousal

It seems like your ready

You lick your succulent lips as the story unfolds

Together again two bodies become a work of art

Our positions as beautiful as painters’ creations on blank canvas

Our oooooos and ahhhhhhhs sound like a musical chorus of sensuality

The heights of our climaxes moves like the motion in the ocean of perfect harmony

Feelings are good as we lay

As we lay

Reminiscing on the events of the night

Every night as great as the last

Welcome to the Love Zone


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Infidelity of the Other


By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.

A total stranger

A close friend

Your own flesh and blood

The betrayal of a happy home

Your life destroyed in an instant

A moment of lust causes a lifetime of pain

Your trust is shattered by the actions of another

You cheated

She cheated

We cheated each other

Why did this happen?

Where do we go?

To hell and back for all I know

Our souls are scarred our love is tarnished

Tyler Perry called it the 80/20 rule

Some say the grass isn’t always green on the other side

We ignored the fact

Ignorance outweighs Logic

Love was confused with lust

A moment of passion


Lost to the time

Time we can’t retrieve


An accident

9 months of agony

My spouse it is not



Oh what a shame

Stay true to her

Stay true to him

Stay true to yours


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Lust of the Forbidden

By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.


A powerful feeling overcomes us

This forbidden act feels so right

Your heart belongs to another, but tonight you’re here with me

The burning passion

The act of betrayal

Excites the feelings of lust

The pure animal lust in us all

The temptation of the night drives us to explore our sexual fantasies

Our lips interlock

My hands explore

I touch you like he can’t

Bringing you feelings of intense pleasure

Our bodies are one

Our minds at ease

Our transgressions of the night

Shadowed in the heat of the moment

Deep into our lust making

Your pleasure hits heights unknown before our session

Every thrust brings you closer to your peak

Every sound you utter brings me closer to my goal

We explode in unison

The feeling is immensely pleasurable and intense

Only for one night

Our souls become one

Our hearts beat in rhythm

The secret of our lust making remains intact

The lust of the forbidden disappears in the night


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The Craziness of Love

Talking to a friend today, made me think about certain aspects of life. While I will not throw others business out into the street, I will touch on the subject of it. We were talking about a particular incident that happened to them and it got me to thinking about that 4 letter word we call LOVE.

See love is a very complicated and intriguing subject. Love makes or breaks a lot of factors in life. Without love, hope is often lost, but with love people feel like they are on top of the world. The scary thing about love is that it can happen hen you least expect it. You can’t put a time gauge on love, but it is advised that you pick the right time to declare your love for someone.

When we were talking, they were speaking about an incident where the other person fell in love, in such a short amount of time. Also to top it off the other person showed their undying love by trying to hard to force the issue. They tried to make my friend love them the way they loved my friend.

Love happens when you least expect it and that is the best kind to have. It also helps if the other person feels the same way; you should never force such an important factor in life. Love is something that most people don’t fully understand and everyone has their opinions, but true love, in my opinion, takes time to develop and mature into something special.

Love manifest itself into so many shapes and forms, the love of a mother for her child, the love of a father, the love of a spouse, the love of a man and his dog, the love of material things, and etc. The thing we must understand about love is that no matter what kind of love it is, we must be patient with it. We’ve all heard the expressions “Good things come to those that wait”, “Patience is virtue”, and my favorite one “Anything worth having takes time and hard work to have”. The key word here is “Patience”! While we might feel like we are in love, it might be mistaken for lust or mutual attraction.

I’ll leave you with this thought, “Love is a feeling of totally bliss and happiness, and with time and patience it grows into a true blessing of beauty!”


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