Tag Archives: eight

Happy Birthday to Me: Realizing I am a Grown Man


By: Tony L. Jefferson, Jr.


On the 8th day, In October of 1985 I drew my first breath in this world. This world was so new to me, full of wonder and amazement. A birthday is something special, kind of like your own holiday, but more than that it is a beginning of a new age. Some people see this as insignificant, but I truly cherish this day.


So I turn 23 today, for some just another number, but for me another year that I was able to make it to. Many events have transpired up to this point and turning this age reminds me of how far I have come and prepares me for the road ahead. I am truly learning what being a grown man really means.


Being a Grown man means you are able to handle what life throws at you. You are able to weather most any storm. You are prepared to provide for you and yours; you have learned to respect women and elders. You have truly lived and are on top of your game, but you are humble enough to stay grounded to your values and beliefs. You command respect and you give it equally.


No longer are you the immature young one running around without a care in the world. You have responsibilities and goals to achieve. No longer are you the “Player” you are now the “Seeker” you are looking for a quality mate to settle down with. High school games stay in high school, there is no place in the Adult world for such antics.


A Libra, the Zodiac sign for my birthday in October, is supposed to be balanced and romantic. We also are supposed to try to find balance in our surrounding environment, when things are out of whack, no one feels it more than we do.


Happy Birthday to me, this special day I am happy to see. I’ve arrived yet again to another age and I am excited to see what it will reveal for me.


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