Tag Archives: motherly love

The Craziness of Love

Talking to a friend today, made me think about certain aspects of life. While I will not throw others business out into the street, I will touch on the subject of it. We were talking about a particular incident that happened to them and it got me to thinking about that 4 letter word we call LOVE.

See love is a very complicated and intriguing subject. Love makes or breaks a lot of factors in life. Without love, hope is often lost, but with love people feel like they are on top of the world. The scary thing about love is that it can happen hen you least expect it. You can’t put a time gauge on love, but it is advised that you pick the right time to declare your love for someone.

When we were talking, they were speaking about an incident where the other person fell in love, in such a short amount of time. Also to top it off the other person showed their undying love by trying to hard to force the issue. They tried to make my friend love them the way they loved my friend.

Love happens when you least expect it and that is the best kind to have. It also helps if the other person feels the same way; you should never force such an important factor in life. Love is something that most people don’t fully understand and everyone has their opinions, but true love, in my opinion, takes time to develop and mature into something special.

Love manifest itself into so many shapes and forms, the love of a mother for her child, the love of a father, the love of a spouse, the love of a man and his dog, the love of material things, and etc. The thing we must understand about love is that no matter what kind of love it is, we must be patient with it. We’ve all heard the expressions “Good things come to those that wait”, “Patience is virtue”, and my favorite one “Anything worth having takes time and hard work to have”. The key word here is “Patience”! While we might feel like we are in love, it might be mistaken for lust or mutual attraction.

I’ll leave you with this thought, “Love is a feeling of totally bliss and happiness, and with time and patience it grows into a true blessing of beauty!”


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